What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca Explained

As legend would have it, a long time ago, a Shipibo Shaman had a dream whereby he was told by the spirits to go into the jungle, find one specific vine (Ayahuaca) and one specific root (Chacruna) and to boil them together, thereby providing a connection to Mother Ayahuasca and unleashing a healing power for all those who chose to work with it. The two plants are mixed together and brewed for a period of 24-48hrs and only water is added to the mixture, thus keeping it pure and potent for ceremony.

Ayahuasca has a naturally occurring DMT molecule in it which provides those in ceremony with “visions”; it is through these visions that pasajeros can experience a first hand therapy session as one would call it by immersing themselves in a loving and safe way to face and overcome obstacles that may be holding them back in life.

Make the first step into your transformation journey

What are the incredible healing powers of Ayahuasca?

Generations upon generations later, the rest of the world has finally taken notice of the incredible healing powers Ayahuasca has to offer those who work with Her and the healing and transformative effects that result. Ayahuasca has been proven to work with healing mental health issues, PTSD, substance abuse disorders and resolving/unleashing emotional baggage that may have burdened pasajeros for their entire lives. It is not uncommon for one to experience a dramatic shift in their personal, professional and spiritual lives after beginning their work with the medicine.

As many will agree, once you have worked with Ayahuasca, the true journey begins as you now will learn how to live life with a newfound appreciation for yourself, for others, for your newly discovered (or recovered values) and for your newfound understanding of spirituality. We have seen the most skeptical of people come to our centre and within a few ceremonies, have their core beliefs completely changed as they become awakened to the possibilities that exist all around them, at all times.

Ayahuasca ceremonies are are approximately 5-6 hrs in length. The shamans use Icaros which are traditional songs to perform what they refer to as “spiritual surgeries” throughout the entire duration of the ceremony. A good way to look at this is if a western doctor uses a scalpel to perform surgery and treat physical ailments, Shamans use Icaros to heal the pasajero on a spiritual level (Which can in fact result in physical healing taking place as well). It’s operating at a higher level of consciousness and awareness that allows Shamans to work in this way and produce the undisputed results that Ayahuasca delivers.

Luckily, organizations and researchers around the world have recognized the healing effects of Ayahuasca and with the research being conducted currently, we are working our way towards acceptance by a larger community of westerns as to it’s healing powers.

The only question that remains is, are you ready to meet Mother Ayahuasca and trust in Her fully to show you yourself in a way that you may have never seen before? We look forward to guiding you on your journey and being a part of the transformation that awaits you.