Healing with Ayahuasca

The healing that you are able to experience with Ayahuasca extends to the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual parts of our beings; meaning that Ayahuasca can and does address the human being as a whole.

What to expect Mentally

Mentally pasajeros can experience a deconstruction of the ego and the possibility to get out of our heads so that we can make sense of our past, present and future. This is why Ayahuaca has been found to be so effective for people suffering with PTSD for example, because we are able to re-live past experiences, however traumatic they may be, from a space of love, safety and clear understanding.

What to expect Physically

Physically Ayahuasca can cleanse the body as a whole. It is well known that Ayahuasca can act as a very strong purgative both through vomiting and through diarrhea. However unpleasant these effects of the medicine may be, they are clearing your body of anything that no longer serves you. Purging in ceremony is unlike vomiting as you may have normally experienced it. It is backed by a powerful energy and once you’ve heard a ceremonial purge, you will understand that it is the physical manifestation of “letting go”.

What to expect Emotionally

Emotionally we are able to once again feel that which we once felt (i.e. happiness, love, hope) which we may otherwise be struggling to feel in our day to day lives. Likewise, Ayahuasca can also show you fear, sadness and a form of clarity that we may have otherwise been denying. For better or worse, if you trust the process, your emotions will activate far above and beyond the confines of the ceremony and your life will be forever changed. This is known as lifting the veil.

What to expect Spiritually

Spiritually – to attempt to explain how Ayahuasca helps to heal in the spiritual context would not come close to doing the medicine justice. What we will say however is that we have seen the most atheist of pasajeros leave our center as spiritually connected beings – defining God/the universe/the creator for themselves. It is not uncommon to have highly spiritual awakenings while in ceremony that are deeply personal. The only thing you need to be is curious and open to the experience.