What to expect at an Ayahuasca ceremony

What To Expect During An Ayahuasca Ceremony?

The ceremony will begin around 7:30pm by having the ceremonial space cleansed by a facilitator and getting yourself settled on your mat in the Maloka (the ceremonial structure).

Next, the Shamans will enter and begin blessing the medicine and be becoming mindful of the energy of the room.

One at a time, pasajeros will be called up to the Shamans and head facilitator where you will drink the medicine and return to your mat.

Once all pasajeros have come drank the medicine, the Shamans will then drink also and the candles will be extinguished.

For the next 20-30mins and for the remainder of the ceremony, what your personal experience will be can vary. Some people will purge (vomit or diarrhea), others will shake slightly, yawn, laugh, sweat (hot or cold) and other forms of energetic purging which are all entirely normal.

Put your faith in Mother Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca works on many levels; some people may experience vivid visions, others will experience immersive thoughts whereby you may feel transported to a memory, others will heal more on the physical level; regardless of the outcome, the medicine is giving you what you NEED which may or may not be what you want.

Throughout the ceremony, you will be called up to the Shamans where they will deliver your Icaro. This is a method of spiritual surgery so to speak, whereby powerful Shipibo songs are used to help cleanse and heal you. For those who have experienced an Icaro before, you know that there are no words to describe the experience during the Ayahuasca ceremony – this is one of the most powerful moments you will experience.

Finally, the ceremony concludes with the Shaman’s clearing the energy of the Maloka thereby officially closing the ceremony and a candle is lit.

This moment is one of the most beautiful of the evening when you will discover that those around you who were once strangers, have now become family and the bond that was created is forever eternal. You’ll see what we mean after your first ceremony!

Mental Opening

We want you to make the most out of your experience so we ask you to come with an open mind, not only to the experience of ayahuasca but to the experience of living a week in a Peruvian indigenous village, where life is very different, the amenities are less but you have many more smiles
We encourage you to come open to explore the beauties of this community and its people, to take your adventurous spirit and go out to explore the surroundings of Limongema, to talk to the locals and understand their customs and thus you will enrich your experience here with us!

During ayahuasca ceremonies is likely that, as a result of the different charges that we accumulate throughout our life, the experience intensifies at certain times, thus certain emotions might surface and they might be difficult to control (anger, fear, grief, joy, etc.) But that is ok and actually highly encouraged as that means we are freeing them from them and our body is being purified.

It is important for us to respect the ceremonial space and the shamans. In order for the ceremony to unfold with the greatest success possible, we would like to warn you that you might be hypersensitive to certain emotions. In the case of joy, love, peace or happiness those are a pleasure to feel, but sometimes rage or anger can emerge, is for those moments for which we would like it to be prepared, because, although it does not have to happen, you will need to try to connect with your deeper self, your essence, your light which can master these emotions, not leaving them, however, overpower you.

Therefore, when referring to the ceremonial space, ie, the time spent in the maloka, is important that you submit to the medicine, you embrace her and her powers, you truly believe in her, you surrender and you receive your icaros (healing songs). Under the medicine don’t leave the ceremonial space and don’t miss the morning chat group where everybody will share their different experiences and we all benefit and learn from them.

It is important to think about the work the shamans and facilitators do and all the sacrifice that has been made to arrive at the level of healing we offer.

Try to think which will be your intentions for your first experience with ayahuasca medicine, the main things you want to tackle. After the first ceremony, the medicine itself will guide you on your way, helping you see where you have to work. (If you can not choose the most important, do not worry, here we are to guide you)!

What to expect while you are at our Ayahuasca Retreat

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