Dieting offers

What is plant diet?

If you are ready to take your relationship with plant medicines to the next level, then you may consider joining us for an intensive plant diet. This is where you will open up on all levels (mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually) while developing a lifelong and profound relationship with a Master Plant as chosen by Wiler based on your personal 1 on 1 consult. Plant diets have been used by the Shipibo for ages and are essentially the path that a Shaman takes to become healer or “curandero” – a person who heals through the power of ayahuasca ceremonially.

A plant will be chosen for you based on your current state of being and the future which you desire to manifest. Whether you seek to be connected to light energy, heal physical ailments including mental health issues and addictions, connect to your higher self or begin your journey to discovering (and some would say “re-covering”) the healer within you, a plant diet is the natural progression for pasajeros who seek to evolve in and of themselves.

An Ayahuasca ceremony is set to open the diet; the afternoon of the first ceremony is when the diet truly begins with the first ingestion of the plant. The food diet for these retreats is quite restricted as is your contact with other’s in the center and yourself; sexual limitations are rigid and must be followed for the diet to be successful. The reason for this is that your master plant’s energy will being to teach you lessons both while awake and in sleeping states that requires a clean energy field and physical body. The diet is closed with an Ayahuasca ceremony whereby a normal food diet can start to be re-implemented.

The lessons and lifelong transformation that those who participate in dieta’s experience are truly incredible. Not only are lessons revelled to you during your diet, but forever after, the energy of the master plant stays with the dieter and many have noticed a permanent change in perception, energetic sensitivities and divine connection.

Pricing :  

  • $3000/ per month
If you are ready to commit in doing a plant diet, please contact us directly here . 

Are you ready for the next step in your evolution?

If yes this is what we will include:


  • Ingestion of your plant as often as Wiler recommends
  • All Dieta appropriate meals included
  • Vapor Baths
  • Floral Baths
  • Accommodation in one of the isolation tambos away from the main center so that you can focus on your diet
  • Consultations with Wiler as requested and needed
  • Invitation to Ayahuasca ceremonies every 15 days
  • Cleaning Services
  • Laundry Services
  • Transportation from the hotel in Pucallpa to the center (and return trip)


The plants that Wiler currently uses for "dietas" include:


Mapacho (Tobacco): The grandfather of all plants, Mapacho has been use by Shamans, young and old since the beginning of time and is used around the world in every native tribe as a master plant to ease the mind, give complete clarity and centered-ness to the person, install motivation in the dieter and give the power of assertiveness to move forward in life without fear… An amazing father teaching spirit that is known to be caring, strong, protective and clear in it’s teachings. This plant is the very first plant most shamans will diet to start their journey’s into the light and the world of healing. Weekly diets of Mapacho are okay while the guideline for maximum success is 3 months.


Toe: This plant comes with many stories and people tend to have quite strong opinions about dieting it: the reason for this is that the plant holds an incredible “light” energy power and an equal “dark” energy. When dieted properly, this plant is an incredible healer which brings you back to present in a way that is non-judgmental and from a state of pure observation. The special powers this plant holds within itself include powers of telepathy, psychic activation and being able to connect to peoples energies all around you (without having to ingest Ayahuasca). A massive responsibility comes to all those that make a decision to diet this plant, you must be centered and willing to connect only to the light of this plant from a place of gratitude and ego-less mentality. 6 months is required for this diet if you are ready for the challenge that is Toe.

Pinon Blanco

Piñon Blanco: The beautiful plant of pure light. The teachings that will come from this wonderful plant are that of love, light and clarity; said to be as pure as a baby’s heart. Giving dieters a sense of peace and love through messages shared by the spirits of butterflies and hummingbirds of the Amazon jungles. Diets from 2 weeks upwards are acceptable while the recommended diet time is 3 months.

Nihue Rao

Nihue Rao: The plant of love that will open up your heart space and connect you to compassion and tenderness. The sense of love will awaken within you an the world around you. This is truly a “change of perspective plant” and a 2 week minimum diet is required while 3 months is recommended for the full effects o the plant to be noticed.

The trees that Wiler currently uses for "dietas" include:


Abuta: This is a tree that is used to treat diabetes (all types) successfully. By destroying the “sugar demons” as we like to call them, your system is strengthened and renewed with a newfound appreciation for your body and physical health being left in it’s place. 6-9 months diets are required for full effects.


Tamamuri: If you are struggling with arthritis and joint pain, this is a fruit tree that is loved and known by the Shipibo to heal these conditions. A mind-body strengthening occurs during the diet and a clearing and sharpening of the mind takes place as well. Minimum time for this diet is 3 months.


Uvos: This tree has been used to heal infections and wounds inside the body including cysts and female sexual organ maladies. It’s other beneficial effects include emotional and mental clarity/alignment and a beautiful heart opening to the universe’s diving love. Minimum diet time is 3 months-1 yr recommended.


Ayahuama: This is one of the most powerful trees in the Amazon jungle. The diet with Ayahuama will gift the dieter with a strong army of lifelong “protector spirits”. This tree has also been shown to heal cancer and dark energies that no longer serve the person who is dieting with it. As this is an incredibly powerful diet that requires strict dedication and commitment, the minimum diet time is 9months.


Shihuahuaco: A tree who’s healing properties include successful treatment of many illness including HIV. This tree will open further help to open you up to your higher self and requires a 3-6 month commitment for full effects to be realized.


Katawa: This is an incredibly powerful tree to diet. If you are looking for a physical and mental reset and aren’t afraid to go the distance, Katawa may be for you. You ingest a poisonous sap form the tree for 3 days in a row resulting in an extreme detox of the blood, bodily fluids, mind, soul and emotions. The following 3 days are spent in a sort of recovery where the dieter may feel extremely sensitive, like a newborn. Afterwards, whether you are aware or asleep, the tree’s energy starts to permeate every ounce of your being allowing lessons, teachings and clarity to shine through in a way that you may have never experienced in this lifetime. This is an excellent tree to diet for HIV treatment as well as alcohol and drug addictions. Minimum diet time is 3-6 months.

Renaquilla and Sapote Renaco

Renaquilla and Sapote Renaco: A tree that is used by the Shipibo to heal wounds, scars, infections, muscular and skeletal pains,while strengthening the body as a whole and increasing your mind-body connection. The connection to this tree will allow it’s dieters to perform healing touch to others as well as giving healing icaros of love, surrounding the recipient with a high vibration’al energy while sung in ceremony. Minimum diet commitment is 3 months with 6 months strongly recommended.

Flying Tree

Flying Tree (Palo Volador): If there was a master tree of all tree’s, Palo Volador would be it. There is so much love, light and wisdom that will be gifted to the dieter through this plant diet that it will result in a direct connection with source/Gaia/God and other higher vibrating energies. It is said by Shipibo legend, that if you diet this tree long enough you will quite literally be able to fly (in which realm – we leave this to you to decide!). This is a true “evolution dieta” and requires a minimum diet length of 6 months – 2 yrs for the “flying effect”.